Zagreb Baptist Church

Living each day with Christ and for Christ in our families, at our work places, in our city and society

We want to be a church that is present in our society, a church which daily invites people to encounter Christ, and a church that imparts the influence and atmosphere of Christ’s kingdom to our city.

Our core values are: freedom of choice, true fellowship among the believers, and openness to various forms of Christian spirituality


We want to follow Christ’s invitation to transform the society we live in and proclaim Christ through prayer, word and deed while simultaneously acknowledging that God gave every individual the freedom to choose his/her world view.

We invite people to a personal encounter with Christ and to respond to God’s invitation to repentance and transformation.

We baptize people who consciously and without coercion accept Christ, on the basis of their testimony of faith.


True fellowship is a reflection of Christ’s character. We recognize each other as parts of Christ’s body in which the Holy Spirit resides.

We strive to mutually encourage, support, correct and build each other up, and to advance the Kingdom of God together.

We make the most important decisions together while following the Holy Spirit’s lead.


We accept all those who belong to Christ as our brothers and sisters despite our differences while simultaneously striving towards God’s complete truth.

We encourage our members to bear witness to the love which overcomes all differences, through initiatives and actions with other Christians.

We recognize various forms of Christian spirituality as a means of becoming more like Christ and we therefore, while filled with his presence, endeavor to make Christ visible and present in our city and society

Do you want know more about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus?


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© MI dizajn.